cob.org/recreation (360) 778-7000 parks@cob.org
The Buddy Walk® is a fun and rewarding opportunity to promote
acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome and
celebrate Down syndrome Awareness Month. This year's event will
feature a 2/3 mile walk around downtown Bellingham, music,
dancing, and other fun ac vi es for families to enjoy. Whether you
have Down syndrome, know someone who does, or just want to
show your support, your par cipa on and generosity is greatly
appreciated! Anyone can be a buddy!
Register by September 14 to guarantee your new 2018 Buddy
Walk T-Shirt! Visit www.arcwhatcom.org or
h ps://give.classy.org/2018whatcomcountybuddywalk for details
Down syndrome Outreach is a program of The Arc of Whatcom
County. This event is supported by Bellingham Parks and Recrea on.
For more informa on or interest in volunteering, contact Buddy Walk
Coordinator at The Arc at BuddyWalk@arcwhatcom.org or (360) 715-
0170 x 200
DAYS/DATES: Sunday, October 7
AGES: All Ages!
TIME: Noon–3 pm
LOCATION: Depot Market Square, Bellingham, WA
COST: Free for people with Down syndrome and
kids 5 & under
Pre-Registra on: Ages 13+ $15;
Ages 6–12 $10
Registra on a er 9/14: Ages 13+ $20;
Ages 6-12 $15
Max Higbee Center provides community-based recrea on programs
for teens and adults with developmental disabili es. All programs aim
to create opportuni es for people to socialize, get involved in the
community, improve their health, explore new ac vi es, and
experience personal enjoyment. If you are interested in learning
more or par cipa ng in our programs listed below, please call or
email Kait Whiteside at 360-733-1828, maxhigbee@gmail.com or
visit our website at maxhigbee.org.
to increase par cipants' involvement in the community by leading
supported community ou ngs to various businesses, organiza ons,
parks, and events. CAP ac vi es include cooking classes,
gardening, library visits, museum tours, trail walks, music
performances and more.
When: Monday–Friday, 1:30–5:30 pm
Cost: $10 per day (financial aid is available)
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM – This program offers a fun and
suppor ve place for high school and community transi on
students to socialize, go on community ou ngs, and par cipate in
recrea onal ac vi es a er school.
DAYS/DATES: Monday–Friday, 3:30–5:30 pm
Cost: $5 per day (financial aid is available)
WEEKEND DROP-IN PROGRAM – This program creates a fun
and welcoming environment for people to spend weekend
evenings among friends. Ac vi es include mar al art classes,
cra s, art walk ac vi es, BBQs, and karaoke.
DAYS/DATES: Fridays and Saturdays, 5–9 pm
COST: $6 per evening or $30 per month (financial
aid is available)
HEALTHY LIFESTYES PROGRAM – This program supports
people in building ac ve and healthy lifestyles through nutri on
workshops, goal se ng, and exercise. Ac vi es include bowling,
swimming, dancing, yoga, YMCA work outs, trail walks, and more.
DAYS/DATES: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am–1:30 pm
COST: $8 per day (financial aid is available)
SKILL SHARE PROGRAM – A crea ve program that blends
specialized, in-house ac vi es and community excursions. This
program encourages life-long learning by encouraging par cipants,
staff, and community members to share unique skills, knowledge,
and talents with each other.
DAYS/DATES: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
10 am–1:30 pm
COST: $8 per day (financial aid is available)
program offers opportunity for par cipants to create and work
towards personalized recrea on goals while receiving individualized
support from a Recrea on Leader.
DAYS/DATES: flexible scheduling
COST: $15 per hour (financial aid is available)