Youth/ Teen • (360) 778-7000
The Paranormal Detective Agency
It's your first day on the job at the Paranormal Detective
Agency and you are investigating a mystery out at the
old Woodstock Farm property. Neighbors are hearing
bumps in the night and it's up to you and your bosses,
Slim & Sculls, to determine what exactly is going on
out there. Meanwhile, your parental units perhaps get a
chance to decompress from all the investigations you are
already doing at home! Please note: Detailed safety and
health guidelines and protocols will be followed
(additional information available online).
Photo by Zac Garza
DAY/DATES: Fridays: Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, or 20
TIME: 5:00-7:00 pm (check-in at 4:45 pm)
AGES: 7-14
LOCATION: Woodstock Farm
COST: $50 per week
COORDINATOR: Rosa Caldwell
MIN: 5 / MAX: 10
Camp Skate the Unknown
Grab a helmet and pads for some skateboarding! Skate
with local expert Zac Garza and his crew from Unknown
Board Shop and the best skate camp counselor
Rumble Rose! Come out and get down on some basics,
new tricks and a filming sesh! Two weeks to choose
from. Please note: Detailed safety and health guidelines
and protocols will be followed (additional information
and suggested supplies available online).
DAYS/DATES: Monday-Friday, October 12-16 or 19-23
TIME: 10:00 am-12:00 pm (check-in at 9:45 am)
AGES: 7-14
LOCATION: Bellingham Skate Park at Civic Stadium
(Depot Market Square if bad weather)
COST: $50 per week
COORDINATOR: Rosa Caldwell
MIN: 5 / MAX: 10
Important Notes:
• It's your first day on the job so you must wear a tie,
bowtie, or fancy hat (we will provide the dowsing rods,
luring lutes, UV lights, and infrared cameras!)
• Detectives must also wear a face mask and
closed-toed shoes for work.
• Detectives must bring a full water bottle, jacket
and headlamp.
• Please eat before or after coming to work. Snacking
is not permitted at the Paranormal Detective Agency
(it throws off our ghost meters.)
• If detective has special needs, please call
(360) 595-3728 to discuss adaptation arrangements.
Important Notes:
• Campers must provide their own helmet, pads,
and skateboard (in good working condition).
• Campers must wear a face mask and closed-toed
shoes during camp.
• Camper should have a full water bottle and should eat
before camp. Snacking is not permitted during camp
unless otherwise arranged with Coordinator.
• If camper has special needs, please call
(360) 595-3728 to discuss adaptation arrangements.